Attendance Management Directive
City of Edmonton
2009-06-29T11:46:12-06:00 2009-06-29T11:46:09-06:00 Acrobat PDFMaker 8.0 for Word 2009-06-29T11:46:12-06:00 uuid:6c09899b-7c3c-4c2c-a539-f1e155e73dc9 uuid:ffd0a3a3-a051-46b7-a532-ca088d2e622b 5 application/pdf Pamela Kirkwood A1108B Attendance Management Procedure Administrative Procedure to manage the attendance of all employees by acknowledging and encouraging exemplary attendance and establishing corporate guidelines and support for supervisors dealing with attendance issues.
Administrative Procedure to manage the attendance of all employees by acknowledging and encouraging exemplary attendance and establishing corporate guidelines and support for supervisors dealing with attendance issues.
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Acrobat Distiller 8.0.0 (Windows)
directive, procedure, attendance, management, manage, employee, acknowledge, encourage, exemplary, corporate, guidelines, absence, standard, culpable, non-culpable, innocentsupervisor
Attendance Management Directive
City of Edmonton
2009-06-29T12:22:16-06:00 2009-06-29T11:46:09-06:00 Acrobat PDFMaker 8.0 for Word 2009-06-29T12:22:16-06:00 uuid:6c09899b-7c3c-4c2c-a539-f1e155e73dc9 uuid:ce5ccd33-10be-452d-b599-af6692e8bf7f 5 application/pdf Pamela Kirkwood A1108B Attendance Management Procedure Administrative Procedure to manage the attendance of all employees by acknowledging and encouraging exemplary attendance and establishing corporate guidelines and support for supervisors dealing with attendance issues.
Administrative Procedure to manage the attendance of all employees by acknowledging and encouraging exemplary attendance and establishing corporate guidelines and support for supervisors dealing with attendance issues.
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Acrobat Distiller 8.0.0 (Windows)
directive, procedure, attendance, management, manage, employee, acknowledge, encourage, exemplary, corporate, guidelines, absence, standard, culpable, non-culpable, innocentsupervisor
Attendance Management Directive
City of Edmonton
2009-06-29T12:48:26-06:00 2009-06-29T11:46:09-06:00 Acrobat PDFMaker 8.0 for Word 2009-06-29T12:48:26-06:00 uuid:6c09899b-7c3c-4c2c-a539-f1e155e73dc9 uuid:f36a0dec-2341-4f81-8462-74a3328da21a 5 application/pdf Pamela Kirkwood A1108B Attendance Management Procedure Administrative Procedure to manage the attendance of all employees by acknowledging and encouraging exemplary attendance and establishing corporate guidelines and support for supervisors dealing with attendance issues.
Administrative Procedure to manage the attendance of all employees by acknowledging and encouraging exemplary attendance and establishing corporate guidelines and support for supervisors dealing with attendance issues.
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