Red Cards
All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The ILRC’s Red Cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.
Special thanks to our many partners who contributed translations in the various languages now available, making these red cards accessible to more individuals.

Ordering Red Cards
- Nonprofits: If you are an immigrant-serving organization or a public defender, the ILRC can arrange to order and ship cards to you for free. Please use the order form here to place your Red Card order.
- Print Your Own: The artwork for printing your own cards is available at the bottom of this page. These are formatted as standard 3.5” by 2” business cards. Any print or copy shop should be able to work from these files. Translated versions are designed to support monolingual immigrants translate their rights with immigration officers. We strongly recommend printing these with rounded corners and a coated finish for durability. You can also print them on your own personal printer.
- Businesses, Private Attorneys, and Orders of 1000+: Order from This is a union-run printer set up to accept your order, print, and ship the cards directly to you. You will have to pay the printer for your order.
Using Your Red Card
Please see here for further information on how to use your Red Cards.