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A Development Plan is a plan for the proper and orderly development or redevelopment of the urban area. It deals mainly with two aspects: Land Use Planning and Development Control and Promotion Guidelines. The basic elements of Development Plan are Land use, Circulation, utilities, services & facilities, civic design and open spaces. The present process of preparing Development Plan is time consuming and long drawn. Most of the plans are embroiled in legal and procedural complexities at planning as well as implementation stages. There is total absence of positive public participation and consideration of financial capacity of urban local body. Implementation percentages of Development Plan proposals in Maharashtra are about 20 percent, 23 percent, 25 percent and 26 percent for ‘C’, ‘B’, ‘A’ Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporations respectively. it is necessary to adopt a paradigm shift in planning approach which integrates Positive Public Participation with rationalization of planning process to overcome the present lacunae. Emerging option as per the outcome of new paradigms is, replacing present ‘Development Plan’ with a comprehensive Vision Plan, Structure Plan, Detail Plan and Annual Plan system. While executing reforms in MRTP Act, 1966, key elements like effective Public Participation, plan suiting to the financial capacity of planning authority, resource generation and implementation schedule and Action Plan are to be effected.

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City Development Strategy (CDS) has transformed numerous cities in developing countries to cope with the unprecedented challenges of the 21 st century. However, the CDS literature indicates that the needs, culture, and planning background of a city determines its CDS themes and methodologies. Drawing upon various CDS experiences, this paper provides an overview of the theory underpinning CD, its themes, and building blocks to elucidate a more comprehensive understanding of CDS as it applies to real-world cities that have employed CDS and those who plan to do so in the future to confront their challenges and achieve their goals. We have conducted a comprehensive systematic review, inclusive of journal articles and international CDS implementation literature as previously reported by international agencies and local governments. From this review, a number of recommendations have emerged for cities wishing to apply CDS. This paper makes a significant contribution to the CDS literature by clarifying the theoretical background, themes, and building blocks that are a feature of successful CDS implementations.

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At the end of the 19 th century, the industrial revolution caused remarkable technological advancements. This resulted into large-scale migrations from rural areas to urban areas. Consequently, land became scarce in the resultant urban areas and this led to an unplanned development of the fringe areas in cities of the world. In India as well, such a haphazard development in cities has created a pressing need for the planned development of Periurban areas. To manage the growth of Indian cities, preparation of a 'Development Plan' at a Macro-level and its implementation through 'Town Planning Schemes' at a Micro level have emerged as efficient land planning techniques. In past few years, Gujarat has witnessed rapid urbanization due to upgradation of infrastructure facilities. Hence, appropriate planning approaches were needed to meet the requirements of peri-urban areas of different cities in Gujarat. In the process of preparing the Development Plan of Gandhinagar City, Gandhinagar Urban Development Authority (GUDA) had adopted two different approaches. The study begins with a brief history of the development of Gandhinagar City, its fringe areas and previous initiatives taken for preparation of Development Plan. Through the study of past development, the study emphasizes the development strategies adopted in the past. The study attempts to demonstrate different approaches adopted based on preliminary survey, to comply with the future demands of the GUDA Area. In the end, the study critically appraises the two approaches adopted by the regulatory authorities and the resultant impact on the peri-urban development of Gandhinagar city. This paper intends to critically appraise Urban Planning approaches adopted to manage the development trend of Peri-Urban areas based on various parameters such as Planning legislations, prevailing practices, mismanagement of land uses due to clashes of regulatory authorities, lack of environmental concerns under political inclinations, etc.

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