Concise Guide to APA Style

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Written for high school and undergraduate students, instructors, and writers learning APA Style, this easy-to-use pocket guide is adapted from the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. It provides complete guidance for new writers on effective, clear, and inclusive scholarly communication and the essentials of formatting papers and other course assignments.

The seventh edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect best practices in scholarly writing and publishing.

Table of contents

1. Student Paper Types, Elements, and Format

General Guidelines for Student Papers

Paper Elements



Sample Student Paper

2. Writing Style and Grammar

Effective Scholarly Writing

Grammar and Usage

Strategies to Improve Your Writing

3. Bias-Free Language Guidelines

General Guidelines for Reducing Bias

Reducing Bias by Topic

4. Punctuation, Lists, and Italics




5. Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations




6. Numbers and Statistics


Statistics and Equations

7. Tables and Figures

General Guidelines for Tables and Figures



8. Works Credited in the Text

General Guidelines for Citation

Works Requiring Special Approaches

In-Text Citations

Paraphrases and Quotations

Copyright and Permission

9. Reference List

Reference Categories

Principles of Reference List Entries

Reference Elements (Author, Date, Title, Source)

Reference Variations

Reference List Format and Order

10. Reference Examples

Author Variations

Date Variations

Title Variations

Source Variations

Textual Works

Software and Tests

Online Media

Legal References